Freelancer Toolkit

My top 3 must-have pieces of software for freelancers


Being a freelancer is a whole new kettle of fish compared to being employed - I found that things I previously took for granted (my bad!), like the software made available to me in my employed roles, suddenly was… gone. POOF! 💨

But don’t worry - with that change, comes freedom.

Rather than follow old habits or pre-existing processes, you can choose your OWN tools that can serve YOUR shape of business BEST.

What are my top 3 tools as a Business Solutions Specialist?

Read on ⤵️



  • What does it do?

Canva is a free-to-use online graphic design tool. You can create social media posts, presentations, posters, logos, videos (including reels), leaflets and so much more. It has ready-to-use templates, or you can create from scratch - it’s a great alternative to pro tools like Adobe inDesign, for those of us who are not Graphic Designers (although I do know Graphic Designers who use Canva too!)

  • How does it help my business?

I create mine, as well as my client’s social media content with Canva. It’s easy to share designs, easy to save elements to favourites but also easy to get really creative if you want to! I even make reels in there and reuse previous designs to make it quicker and quicker each time.

  • How much does it cost?

Canva IS free, with lots of functionality included but for the full fun ride, I’d recommend you get Canva Pro - starting at £10.99 a month - it gives you full design flexibility and extra elements that make your content really stand out. Full pricing info HERE.


Toggl Track

  • What does it do?

Toggl Track is part of Toggl, a project-management tool family. Toggl Track can be used on its own, as a time-tracking tool. You can create clients, projects, and even have a little extension in your browser, so you click play or stop to track every task you complete. You can also integrate your calendar, so if you’re a visual time-blocker like me (blocking time in your calendar for tasks, not just meetings), it feeds straight in! It’s also great for Team collaboration or associate setups.

  • How does it help my business?

Once I became self-employed I found very quickly it is so incredibly important to know where your precious time is going - is it admin, or client? Which client? Am I charging the right amount for how much time this client takes up? Do I take muuuuch too long doing certain things, maybe I can outsource that instead and use my precious time as billable hours for another client? Toggl Track gives you great report insights - I found this knowledge very empowering for my business direction.

For those of you who know me… you know I say I live on Toggl.

  • How much does it cost?

Toggl Track offers a free option, which is a great starting point. The main difference between the free version and the first priced tier ($9 per user per month) is that in the free version you can’t input your billable rates - so you get all the insights, but not the income. I use Toggl Track for invoicing (as in, I get my invoicable amounts from reports), so I decided to pay for the Starter Plan. See pricing HERE.



  • What does it do?

Trello is a collaboration / project management tool - it’s a list-based and visual setup, great for easy team collaboration and staying on track for projects in a very flexible way. To me, it’s reminiscent of a white board full of sticky notes - key info, deadlines, extra attachments, and colour-coding heaven… and the notes can be moved around freely!

  • How does it help my business?

I have a Trello board for each client AND a few for myself - why so many, you ask? Oh, it’s simple - one for my business goals, one for my marketing strategy… you get it. I find Trello really intuitive, and I like how easy it is to use either in browser or in app. It sends little reminders for tasks that are due soon, and you can react and comment back to your teammates/clients very easily. It’s like having your whiteboard with all your ideas mind-mapped, with you anywhere you go! (you don’t have to use the app of course, the web version is enough).

  • How much does it cost?

I use the free Trello still, BUT I have trialled quite a few of the paid features now and I am SO close to paying for very soon! If you’re someone who responds to a bit of gamification, Trello is a great tool - it has a lot of automations and integrations on offer, so as long as you’re a little tech-savvy and happy to play around, you are BOUND to find the best plan for you. See all pricing info HERE.


What tools do you use in your business? What’s your favourite and why?

Let me know ➡️ LinkedIn, Instagram

Paulina Folaron - Business Support Specialist

If you enjoyed reading and think you and your business can benefit from my insights - get in touch!


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